"We are because we belong. . . do so by caring for others.”- Desmond Tutu.

Connect, Care, cooperate; that's what makes us human — hard-wired for the compassion of others. Evolution wants us to be; we are born loving, we are born open, we are born connected, we are born community; we are born serving humanity higher than our knowing. When we are cold, naked, starving in the frigid rain, nothing matters. Nothing matters until someone offers us a warm, safe place, with clean, dry clothes & fire to keep us warm.

Then we are offered a hot meal and a quiet place to sleep, and this is when we realize the value of what we give value — prioritizing our loves instantly into a state of gratitude. Pre- the feeling is when the heart gives life information to the heart and expounds by spirit." What was said to the rose to make it open that was the same thing that was said to my heart"- Coleman Barks. For the mind is not in control of the body, the heart controls the body & our thoughts react. Like a television set, the channels are the responses to the shows which we choose to watch, falling deeper & more in-depth into the narrative of our lives.

Remember, the monitor is only a reflection of light, and the information received comes from the heart, which is the mind of ourselves as the observer. Our brains are nothing more than a receiver. "Reality" is not ours, but a relationship to others in which we all are connected, correlated to life by way of the conscious mind and respect of serenity to our shadow selves. Everything is alive; we share the same air of ancestor still lingers from the past, in the present, and that which even links us to our future selves.

All of life is are biological DNA, by way of argon & oxygen, we breathe, we speak, we live. Learn to celebrate our environment that begets & breathes life into all that is our being. Grief is part of the joy, and it links the science of all innate ideas & now finally religion in concept, which is beginning to catch up to science eventually. In terms of the soul, we are infinite beings of light, in terms of the ego, we are nothing more than flesh. We must see all of nature's family, see all of humanity's family, see the world, and the environment which breathes as we do, providing everything that you need beyond the loneliness that you feel in your heart of our isolated minds.

One must have consciousness about you; for life to begin, one must allow control to degrade & destroy self in the sea of doubt which it was created. We must charge perception of the "you" that wants to change & evolve into the comprehension of the world that is the" I" that is the collective consciousness of being. The globe & Universe will continue to change; either we adapt or die off; the choice of option is genuinely that of free will. A small everyday task is like bricks that we can use to build over time, to become a bigger, stronger, and more significant, impenetrable to fear but has just enough space for light to shine through.

For us to change this perception and to live in balance, we must have an understanding, understanding of each first moment of change. The contentious mind of ebb & flow for what has proceeded us to have been told the truth. . . every moment, every thought, every emotion that we have is identified within written texts, spoken word & even visual conversations, have come from another's the mind of perception & perspective.

The law of nature takes nothing more than it needs, as a tree needs to guide water through the roots & nutrients from the soil, the trees know to share with the community of forests. The tree knows that all health resides within the heart of the ecosystem. Something that takes more than it needs is seen as a mooch, parasite, disease Cancer. Change comes about from millions of tiny acts, THE POWER OF ONE IS INSIDE OF ALL OF US! Competition needs no more players, what this earth so eagerly needs is more cooperation from its current natives.



@ Cover photo courtesy of Paulina E. Art & Photography instagram.com/paulinaeartandphotography


