The Divine Trinity is the Physical (includes mental), the Emotional (includes soul), and the Spiritual (Includes source) energies of the human condition, which all require balance.

Balance is the onset of the linear perspective; when we open our hearts to its genuine voice, we begin to see into the tertiary mind—., which is the 3rd Eye. From here, we gain an aerial understanding of ourselves and not just a point of view from a singular perspective of existence.

The key is to allow the 3rd Eye to recognize the body as a car (vessel) and the soul as the driver (catalyst); the 3rd Eye- mind knows the destination (Purpose) and can then communicate with your source energy (Spirit/God). The Universe, which is nature (Gaia), feels the vibration from focused thoughts, driven into genuine intentions.

These intentions are where love is born, and so tangible life can manifest into 3D reality. When the fear of "not knowing" is no longer a valid answer for the self, we can then see what serves our growth and what hinders it into diverting from one's innate known path.

The point is never to hate what hinders us but to ask what it is about us that is easily hampered by another's feared projections. We are three bodies in one phase of being; the mind, the soul, the spirit, and then we experience our rebirths into a constant state of needing balance within flux.

We are all born from darkness into light by way of the womb, we all grow from toddlers to teens; shifting through multilayered phases of life, within our own conditioned understanding of the provided environment and the natural world we reside on.

Somewhere between being told what to think, what to do and complied with a keen sense of knowing our own real emotions, is where we have some knowledge and remanence of past selves. Looking back to shine clarity onto a life we briefly remember, to then perish from this form and our energy dissipate back into the essential elements of life to complete the cycle all over again.

Our purpose here on this planet is to walk the earth, learn the surface, hear the ground's vibrations, and feel the spirits of the land spring back to life with each new cycle of the seasons. Through experience & exposure, we receive life lessons to gain wisdom of self and maybe provide some clarity back to those still in search of a purpose.

Our gift is to love while showing empathy for all, in addition to providing daily self-care practices, which can activate our souls into its spiritual journey—a self-exploitation of self-respect in an ever-changing, yet adaptable world.

The time is NOW, for us to step into our elderhood gracefully as a species and collective whole, we humans owe it to the rest of the living Universe. Find your balance, discover your capabilities, recognize your strengths & weaknesses as gifts, and remember all advantages & disadvantages have their thresholds.

Know when to give and when to receive, so you may allow the ebb & flow of life to guide you back to your divine source of love, self-respect, and happiness. Be Kind, Be Great, Be Fierce, BE LOVE.






* JOURNAL ENTRY: 4/18/20