* JOURNAL ENTRY: 4/16/20


Do you know that saying "there’s a thin line between love and hate"? Well, I figure in my mind they're referring to the concept of Reflection Love (Light) & Absorption Love (Dark).

Both vulnerable states of being yet extremely valuable to gaining patience with self. This inner balance equals loyalty to the soul and trust of the Spirits guiding us. Which is translated through a state of gratitude and not just stating it.

When the veil is lifted we are able to witness both truths at the same time, in past and future moments based on present-day reoccurrences. When we step out of the darkness onto the stage we aide the soul in its healing from hiding in the past and creating secrets.

Being honest with the self is the effort put forth out load and not just in one’s head. Then we are able to effortlessly step back out of the light were we allow the ego to rest and the soul to digest.

Free will is the expression of the ego of thinking through thoughts and vulnerability is the soul’s expression of feeling through the emotions. Allow space for growth, that's how you marry the two that becomes the one in you; then the spirit is able to speak right through you.

I love me so much & am able to love you all just as much in return! Find your balance, embrace your balance, this is the key and the rest you know my friends, will go down in history.




* JOURNAL ENTRY: 4/18/20
