Loneliness is our addiction; we get drunk or high because the outside world says, "you're too much," or “you’re not enough”, while our inside world is dealt the burden of sadness, and so mentally escaping keeps our emotions busy. One does not have to think or even try in this world.
People will make excuses for others’ behaviors, but then we realize the same people guiding us have physical or emotional dependency themselves and do not always have our best interest in mind. And why would they? To break this cycle, we have to ask ourselves why we even use substances in the first place? However, we do not stop cold turkey, which permits us space to relapse; who likes starting all over again?
When we decide to do the emotional work to figure out ways to self soothe ourselves, we begin to understand why and how we did not need a "substance" in the first place to help control our thoughts for us; no one is in control, only in charge. To be in charge of the ego-mind and soul-heart, we have to know our limits, skill sets, and energy strengths to apply or adjust instantly in an ever-changing world.
Until one is emotionally ready to make a complete 360° for their individual self-growth with no expectations or explanations from others, is when you know you are ready to heal. This dualistic insight is when we know we are no longer alone and do not need a substance to give us a distorted sense of power. This knowing becomes the tool to utilize in crafting a new outlook on loneliness and escapism.
We are never really alone, but learning how to be alone is the key to not losing our power. We always had it; we just had to show ourselves self-empathy, so that the ego can feel its safe, the soul to know its loved, and for our own internal will to fulfill our hearts authentic desires. Welcome to Autonomy.