So, where do we go from here? Just like that, all of the hard work we put in and the energy it took to go through the shadow work to heal, old traumas of childhood memories float their way back in for us to dwell on. When all we wanted is for our younger selves to have the same sensibility in our reality, we felt we had to learn and articulate confidently later as adults. Then we presently realize everything we thought we knew of ourselves, and life came through the passing down of our family's traditions and friends' outdated sense of belonging.
Focusing on substantial foundation work is the framework for building a structure that holds solid for centuries to come; this is how our ancestors have always made legacy by creating the framework of how we understand the fundamental blocks to the things that the Universe has shown by the structure of light.
Still, the one thing that we, as humans, have to learn or garner to understand is that we must be the same life inside the tree that allows it to flourish as beautiful as it needs to become whatever fruit or flower it transmutes energy into, through all growing pains and storms which produce life as we understand it.
A love that respects and honors all of the pain in the seed's journey to becoming whole, a life in need that needs to breathe existence above the ground. This show of respect is genuinely our journey because then we can see how the environment's structure and preparation are vital to the cooperation and consistency of evolving involvement as the farmer who listens to the ancestor's whispers to cultivate shall be the same for the roots that grow more profoundly into its foundation to live.
This idea of growing things is what we humans are good at. Once we grow & build, we attempt to fill the home with immense love, energy, memories, and time capsules of realities that is to be a future that can represent our hopes, inspirations, and co-creations. Trust and follow our gut instinct, as the gut is that little pilot light that keeps burning inside us from the inner child's knowing & heart.
This internal flame is the place we play from, think from, love from, and empathetically parent the body that we have not chosen but have learned to grow into a pearl of wisdom protected by a shell of calm, pulsating life into the inner essence of our pure clarity.
That is how the inner child becomes grown and healthy, and where they can channel their energy of hope and power through the source to give back to life and live a life that continues giving back to mother Gaia, who produces that foundation and framework for us all to thrive, live, love and play.
Never stop becoming more of the essence of love because this is why we are here; nothing else can stop us from being love. Nothing else can stop us from being creative, and nothing else can stop us from knowing that God loves all creations. Life is our choice and free will; yes, it is hard, yes it can suck, but we have to ask ourselves who gave those ideas of disbelief? Who planted that seed of distrust inside of "you?"
Like a parasite rooting itself into our nervous system, taking over the blood in our mind, residing in the active and dormant energies of bodily chemicals, this is how a parasite works and thrives. This takeover is how diseased words can upset us anytime we are comfortable in ourselves. Malignant tissue that we become a part of because this cancerous type of thinking lacks God's knowledge.
The Universe will always guide us into a more substantial source of being who we are as stars seeds formed by our ancestors' dust, living in every mineral of our bones. If we put the work into whatever we want to become, then we can forward it on to be so, and then, that is when we can begin to honor and respect our protective shell, the beautiful skin that protects all within the womb of the earth's manifested desires through the form.
Through a reincarnation of knowledge and emotions, we trust that we are always loved; our free will begin to take on a new identity; one that wants to cooperate more than ever with the study of God's nature through scientific findings and discovered magical wonders of the Universe's hidden trust.
In this hidden trust bares our unforeseen truths, expressed through manifested multidimensional energies of free will thought, leading us into a rebirth of consciousness, may it be the third, fourth, or fifth levels of awareness, which amasses healing energy (fusion of selves), personal growth (accountability), & adaptability (nourishment of self).
We are the observers observed in a constant state of flux, ebb & flow, and radically transmuted energies that have evolved through time and space. We are creators, we are builders, and we are healers, so whenever we ask ourselves, "why are am I here? What am I doing with my life" remember the answer will always be clear when we can retain the gift to give love without condition and give life back to the "Now."
We are creations who become legendary because our legacies are the creations that we contribute back to the whole to attain our preservation as a species. We evolve to create, so keep creating loves.