When spirit speaks, I listen, life will continue to test us all but those who are willingly & openly able to stand firm in their sense of self & let go what "beliefs" really are. Using fear in place, displayed through a false sense of "control" not allowing. Like a weed through the concrete, we can't stop growth & when we try is when life feels more substantial than it must.

The goal is to be centered at a sense of self to be. Doing so, one has to see beyond doubt! That the Universe hears you, love, the Universe sees you, love, the Universe feels you always love. Stepping into trans-formative growth & rising from one's ashes of ego, ascending as the pure Soul consciousness magnified to intensified vibrations of self. As we continue this human experience & fulfill the desire of unconditional love, we begin destroying ancestral karma & imprints of systematic conditioning; generational embedded as a tradition yet saturated in self- sabotage.

The soul can handle & live with old wounds, for our soul recognizes the scars as bookmarks to chapters healed, not forgotten but loved. Be the lighthouse of duality, which shines a light on the very things that we'd die for yet take for granted. Step into the tank of transcendence, off to a land of quantum creation where God & Gaia create all life that is the unity of the family. I call this the Universe the real reawakening & reunion of our internal & external Divine Feminine with the Divine Masculine energies.

The End to the Beginning of which provides LOVE to all levels of LIFE. This is beyond our ego because it only sees self as SELF and not our TRUE name, which is God; we are all God through a billion different lenses. Only the soul can open these doors beyond doubt, because soul alone lives in the unknown of the Known, even beyond it's on the solitude of darkness. Souls' true intentions are only to serve as the bearer of light language, fragmented in every directional vibration, tangible as sensations to the emotional values we place to balance, by observation of God thru Universe & showing pure gratitude towards life.

This conscious-meditative state is continuously evolving, completing, and interacting with the daily happenings of others' energy and karmic ripples. Staying in touch with self, the ego and soul prepare for when the ego dies, ushering in the birth of soul. The mind of the observer & co-creator mingles & dance, swirling a new re-connection of equality, a tangible & intangible portal for creator & being to shine through. So how do we get to this?.

Simple answer, by giving daily thanks and gratitude for the tiniest things in life, for they create the mass which we crave to see. Honor mother Gaia without explanation or expectations, the Universe bestows abundance on those who love without condition, constantly questioning without guilt or denial, recognizing the balance of knowledge.

This is how I utilize all my tools by placing them in a toolbox of gratitude, providing me with the best outcomes because all the apparatus came from my survival. Now prepared, I knew and know that our soul- journeys begin back to source when we can trace the origin back to selves. It's a hard, messy & rigorous path, but I promise when you take the time and hack your way through life, the aftermath is pure serenity and new growth.



@ Cover photo courtesy of Paulina E. Art & Photography instagram.com/paulinaeartandphotography


