Due to my unwillingness to face emotional addition in my past, I was okay with doing anything to feel good at the moment. Which then allowed me to abuse the tangible in the physical form. Drugs are the egos way to hide, but when the two are not balanced, then the soul is a prisoner of war, And it will do what it must at all cost to escape i.e., hard-partying, sexual addictions, escapism, you name it, and I probably did it.

It is not an easy process by any means, nor would I suggest just being woke was or is enough. What I do know is that I have always had control over the very thing which I allowed to lie to me, not drug abuse but ego excuses. Whatever I needed to believe, puff, just like magic, my ego could conceive.

BE woke, BE aware, BE alive, BE destroyed, BE born again, BE enlightened, BE in love with life, BE transformative, BE in love with animals, BE in love with nature, BE Still, BE in love with Universe, BE Patient, BE willing to die again & again until the ego is destroyed. Allow your soul to transcend, Allow your soul to align, Allow your soul to tune in, Allow your soul to balance from within, Allow your soul peace and see how easy life can begin! Ignore the steps and live for the ego, hell on earth, and demons are the mind within the mind of control.

Darkness is not hell, it’s the protective shell of the Divine source, guiding us and allowing the cycles of seed to begin its journey out. What seems like a forever moment, stuck in time, watching everyone else grow but themselves to look up one day and only see the blue beauty of the sky, sunlight cascading all around us, we feel the breeze and feel a shake.

To gaze down and what is it we see, but the truck of a tall, secure, and resilient torso of a tree that is me. Grounded and rooted firming into the foundation of my creation. I AM A BEING OF LOVE & PURPOSE, and I AM ALL NEGATIVE & ALL POSITIVE ENERGY! My soul IS PURGED & ROOTS EARTHED! My Soul, Mind, Spirit & Body are one again, thank you, God, thank you, Ancestors, thank you, Guardians, of truth and Light. Once again, I see, Once again I breathe, Once again I live — my Rebirth.



@ Cover photo courtesy of Paulina E. Art & Photography instagram.com/paulinaeartandphotography


