INTRO: How we begin to tap into our source energies is by first focusing on prioritizing our Loves, and getting to those requires shadow work of shedding the ego-mind and allowing permeability of self to resonate through the heart-mind or soul-heart.
SYNOPSIS: By allowing an emotion to feel is making space for growth to occur, holding in said emotion prevents the soul from being nurtured.
BY-PRODUCT: Creates an internal & external disagreement between the heart-mind and blocks channels to higher frequencies of consciousness and selves.
PRACTICE: View the world thru a dual lens vs singular, become aware of the Law of Duality and reach a state of constant observation; correlating a complied knowledge of empathy at a tertiary sense of being. Thus witnessing the bond of life happening thru dynamism connected to life happening thru silence; the constant ebb and flow of creation unfolding right before your path.
RESULT: In opening this channel, we become the vessel and antenna to vibrationally generating a frequency to God, Spirit, Ancestor, Gaia, Universe and Source. Gaining a tertiary perspective, filtered thru a 4D state of empathy and then Governed by a 5D sense of knowing. Connecting & unblocking chakras aligns us with this intunement and the frequency becomes clearer and more concise in clarity with ego deaths and transformative soul growths.