Emotional rebirths are meant to wake us to a new beginning, not erase the past, fix our physical experiences or alter our “mistakes”,” which are our truths. The ego will always know this experience has to occur when we confront our conditioning into its consciousness, and this knowledge will allow the freedom to be aware. To kickstart this growth, we must redefine our mother's & father's energetic conditioning and the byproduct of archetypes attached to the free will that became us in their resemblance or replication to appease.
We can trace the pathology of conditioning and provide new answers to outdated conclusions; we are then wiser to understand that coming into a playful, curious, and greater sense of clarity is the gift hidden in our perspective and perception of personal power. The key is to understand our patience threshold of balancing our softness(permeability) and hardness (rigidity), which is how we can tell what conditions are viable for foundation and growth in any given environment; activating the how (expression), where (environmental) and when (seasonal) the physical, mental and spiritual realms are ready to co-create with us.
The discipline of our everyday life and its implementation is the breaking ground to plant our seeds of new life to harvest for later usage and enjoyment. Remember, our feet are what keep us balanced, but the hips are how we walk. Find a comfortable balance, and one will discover the purpose and function of all we are as a collective and who we are as a singular individual in every moment.
These moments of clarity can quantify the conceptual and emotional currencies we choose to wager for cognitive reasoning in place of simple truths; short answer, we choose to barter our happiness. We actively choose to lose or gain what our payout will be based on someone else's conditioning. Under the vast umbrella of emotional intelligence is untapped and unsourced energy that is ready to be activated.
The "how" we came to be is not the full answer, yet it is a stepping stone to a doorway that we thought we might never reach. Allow past experiences to stay in reflection mode and not game or simulation mode. Remember to avoid giving in to a will that has been constructed by another; this is why its called "free- will" after all, we have the opportunity to choose who we are and whom we are going to be every waking day. Choose openly, choose genuinely, choose wisely.